Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by Matt Tillotson

You’ve inspired me to start in creatine again—the best coach I ever had recommended it too as the only supplement worth taking. I have a bunch of it, stopped taking it, and will start again tomorrow!

And—yes—burgers! Totally agree! Yours look amazing . . . it was almost cruel to post those photos

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That’s great! My only drawback with creatine was taking too much at first—my stomach didn’t handle it well. But a small does works great.

Sorry for the burger photos. We need a Write of Passage cookout so I can make it up to you.

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My coach Marcus told me to drink lots of water with the creatine, which used to work pretty well to counter-act its impact on the stomach. Here's Marcus's Instagram page by the way--he's in his mid-50s, have a look at Marcus's awesome muscle ups, amazing . . . https://www.instagram.com/marcusbondibeach/

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 1, 2022Author

Great recommendation on Marcus--thanks!

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I’m working out now after popping creatine and chugging water!

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Haha--great idea!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Matt Tillotson

Love it! I am a burger hound, myself (I keep a nerdy spreadsheet to review every burger I have in the twin cities).

And I am with you on creatine. Have gone on and off over the years, but my latest research (and self-experimentation) has me thinking creatine might be the best supplement I can take.

Here's a fun article on creatine for its anti-aging properties. It's pretty crazy.


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That an insane list of benefits!

Only some of the dosage amounts give me pause. Three ounces or so seems to be limit or I have stomach issues.

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Just for the fun of it the best burger recipe ever...


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Your burger game 🔥

What's your homemade ranch recipe?

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I've never understood the knock on burgers either. Good quality protein and fun to eat.

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