👏 Say it louder for the people in the back 👏

If AI makes everything, what is the point of anything?

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Very well said Matt. I agree and believe that creativity will remain the last frontier for humans. Each of us has a completely unique combo of experiences, skills, thoughts, and perspectives that need to be shared.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Matt Tillotson

Matt, I think you have hit the nail on the head in terms of the amount of hype and potential for diminishing our human creativity. I am also concerned that with all the excitement generated by a technology that we even find hard to define that its negative impacts are being ignored or understated.A magnificent book that outline these harms is "The Digital Poorhouse" by Virginia Eubanks.She uses US examples of where technology has negatively impacted people belonging to lower social economic groups. She proves that these technologies are perpetuating old prejudices and power relations with increased efficiency.

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I so appreciate your sentiments on this subject. I am personally baffled by the attraction to leveraging AI to string words together for any purpose. It completely undermines everything that is magical about a human being using words to deepen their relationship to life, to discover themselves, to improve their ability to communicate face to face, and the opportunity to change and evolve when the words leave their fingertips, which will never happen to a robot. Writing from personal experiences that have actually occurred is the point of writing refuge that can't be touched. Thanks for raising your voice on this subject.

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Like chess players, I think we can use these tools to improve. But not replace.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Matt Tillotson

M Night Shyamalan Moment: Matt reveals that this essay WAS WRITTEN BY AI!! :D

haha, I kid. Really good stuff, Matt.

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The plot twist no one saw coming!

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Giving a heart and appreciation of heart of your essay. I've also forwarded this to several friends. Matt - Thanks for your clear perspective.

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Thank you Shirley!

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I'm surprised and delighted by your unexpectedly passionate and unapologetically deep take on AI:

"Art created by artificial intelligence makes those questions meaningless . . . . To look at AI-rendered art is to look into the eyes of a zombie . . . . "


"Societies that turn from God expend tremendous time and energy worshipping other things . . . To me it’s plainly obvious throughout history . . . .A new golden calf is emerging. But AI is not God. No matter how brilliant its prose or how beautiful its output, there’s one thing AI can never truly give. Love. Unconditional, unfathomably deep love."


"Art and writing schools aren’t just schools any longer. They are the keepers of society’s humanity, ensuring people preserve the value and craft of expression from the heart."

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