January is the worst. Definitely lots of hours -- but way to keep hitting that publish button, Matt.

I appreciate your weekly insights, especially through the peaks and valleys.

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Thanks Scott. Hope you are doing well my friend!

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I was a hardcore alcoholic for years. Constantly bemoaning my sleep issues, basically drinking myself to sleep most nights.

Amazing how quickly ( two weeks ) my sleep patterns corrected after I "retired" from the booze. For that alone, I recommend sobriety for people who are having sleep issues that disrupt their activities and play havoc with their moods.

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Hi Matt,

I can relate to the "no-energy" state and need to push through. I'm frequently traveling across time zones and one needs to learn how to pace oneself! Thanks for your "oatmeal-brained" article, which I found timely and valuable to reset myself. These are solid lifestyle tips. All the best!

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Thanks for those Chris! The collagen is interesting and I’ve thought about trying that for awhile. Ordered some to add to my daily Greek yogurt cocktail (protein whey, fiber, and creatine).

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It's hard to judge it's affect but I've been injury-free, which I attribute partly to the collagen, and you've been stepping up your heavy lifting so you might find it helpful, too.

For me, energy = work = strength improvement. My personal pre-work cocktail (which also includes creatine) has given me ample energy to continue getting stronger.

Good luck with your fitness goals in 2023!

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