
Ugh, sorry for all the subscription prompts. Something went haywire there.

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Love the rebrand. Loved Matt’s Mixtape but this seems like a fitting evolution (colour included).

P.S. I feel you on the subscription prompts and I hate how they default to “pledge your support” now. I don’t want people to think I’m hitting them up for cash.

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I'm definitely going to try the lower back exercise, and the pairing of the two words "competent pablum" has got to be the most succinct and brilliant description of AI I've heard yet.

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Thanks for all the tips, as always. Heading to the floor for the back stretch now. If you find you're back stays tweaky, try my friend/mentor, Lucas Rockwood's "Science of Stretching" course (it's just 15-minutes, 5 days/week). I have no idea why this stuff helped me with my low back, but it fixed me in a week! https://shop.yogabody.com/yoga-challenge-and-at-home-programs/YB-STRETCHING.html

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100 Greatest Lists always scare me. The Hockey lists invariably enrage me. Albums/ Bands annoy me, but they're fun because I know going in that my Top Ten will probably only have one overlap with a music critic's ( maybe ).

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Book Notes section is a great idea 🔥

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