
Steady Beats is a free weekly newsletter about big ideas in books.

I’ve always loved to read and have found I love to write about reading, also. That’s the secret superpower of writing about books: You can write about whatever you want by reading whatever you want. 

We also talk about maintaining fitness at midlife, and wander into music reviews. Let’s keep reading, moving, and listening right into our 90s.

What people say about the newsletter

“It is rare I come across a newsletter so densely packed with interesting snippets.”

— Harry Dry, Marketing Examples Newsletter

Love the tone and structure of your writing, Matt!

—Justin Mikolay, Investor/Sr. Writer at Gumroad, former speechwriter for Generals Mattis and Petraeus

“The newsletter in my inbox every week is like grabbing a drink with an old friend. I learn something new, I feel like I get to know Matt a little better, and I finish reading feeling hugged and high-fived.”

— Cynthia Lou, cynthialou.com

“I used your references in a leadership meeting the other day ... I enjoy reading these.”

— Glen Fish, CEO, Revere Plastics Systems, LLC

What to expect

Each week I share ideas I find funny, helpful, and or surprising. I also link to my own essays. Here are a few samples:

Jerry vs. James: avoid these writing mistakes and persuade like a pro

The verdict is in: jogging is out

The four things I’d do if I were starting a fitness regimen today

Let’s connect

I hope you’ll join us. If you have any questions, please reach out on on Twitter at @matttillotson.

Subscribe to Steady Beats

Big ideas in books and fitness for midlife