Bold ideas from books you’ll love
I’ve always loved to read and have found I love to write about reading, also. That’s the secret superpower of writing about books: You can write about whatever you want (history, fitness, music … and more) by reading whatever you want.
My life just runs better when I am doing three things consistently: Read, Write, Reps. Or put another way, reading books, writing about the ideas, and working out.
So if you’re bookworm and a gym rat, you’re in the right place.
What people say about the newsletter
“It is rare I come across a newsletter so densely packed with interesting snippets.”
— Harry Dry, Marketing Examples Newsletter
Love the tone and structure of your writing, Matt!
—Justin Mikolay, Investor/Sr. Writer at Gumroad, former speechwriter for Generals Mattis and Petraeus
“The newsletter in my inbox every week is like grabbing a drink with an old friend. I learn something new, I feel like I get to know Matt a little better, and I finish reading feeling hugged and high-fived.”
— Cynthia Lou,
“I used your references in a leadership meeting the other day ... I enjoy reading these.”
— Glen Fish, CEO, Revere Plastics Systems, LLC
What to expect
Each week I share ideas I find funny, helpful, and or surprising. I also link to my own essays. Here are a few samples:
Jerry vs. James: avoid these writing mistakes and persuade like a pro
The verdict is in: jogging is out
The four things I’d do if I were starting a fitness regimen today
Let’s connect
I hope you’ll join us. If you have any questions, please reach out on on Twitter at @matttillotson.