Sorry to hear about the mental health issues in the family, they can be uniquely dispiriting and exhausting. I was listening to Juliette Greco when I read your post and clicked on the link. I’d say the hopeful connection you made between the bass line and the importance of steady, practical protocols to get us through the chaos is indicative of your fundamentally healthy, sound state of mind. And of course your insight is spot-on. We live life a breath at a time, and each inhale, and each exhale, although performing opposite functions, is a subtle pleasure. The pleasure and solace of each breath reveals the essential nature of the universe.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Matt Tillotson

I'm a little late to the party, so to speak, and really have no core habits (loooong story, and really boring) - what's the best way to start for a serial quitter who has the attention span of a lab rat and wants to quit procrastinating in a couple of months or whenever?

Also, I may need help with run on sentences...and punctuation ..

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Hi Barron!

How about this: start taking a short walk every day. Get that ingrained, and then build from there. If we're talking just about exercise habits, over the longer term it's important to find activities you enjoy. Do you do better exercising in groups? Classes may be the way to go. If you're like me and want to get the work done on your own time, then there are tons of workout options--and you don't have to commit to the same thing for life. What's important is consistency of effort, not doing the exact same thing for 20 years.

Hope that helps a bit. As for run-on sentences, I know of a pretty great writing course and community called Write of Passage. :)

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Matt Tillotson

Matt, this is my new favorite of your Steady Beats because it highlights the importance of focusing on the Structural Discipline that makes it possible for us to be at our best. This is the essence of the Heroic work I do and it's life changing. Sending you and your family lots of love at this time. :-)

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